Parents/carers and children from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) families have the same rights as any other family, in relation to access to school places. 

The law recognises that GRT families may not be able to send their children to school due to being engaged in a trade or business that requires them to travel from place to place so they do not have a permanent home. Nevertheless, each child must attend school as regularly as their trade or business permits.

GRT children and young people-missing education

The Behaviour, Attendance and Children Missing Education (BACME) service are responsible for Children Missing Education (CME) (children not on a school register).

They are guided by legislations and mandatory requirements to deliver an appropriate education pathway for young people considered to be amongst the most vulnerable in society.

GRT children and young people identified as having CME risks or needs, fall under the remit of the BACME service.